Sugar Mill Ruins Nature Trail – Marker 5

The Nature Trail at Sugar Mill Ruins is surprisingly diverse and interesting. At each numbered marker along the way, you can learn a little bit more about the items that make this Nature Trail a Volusia County hidden treasure.

Home PageMarker 1: Sword FernsMarker 2: EpiphytesMarker 3: Fruit Trees
Marker 4: SnagsMarker 5: Yaupon HollyMarker 6: Violets and CoffeeMarker 7: Live Oak
Marker 8: State TreeMarker 9: Slash PinesMarker 10: Sweet GumMarker 11: Shoestring Fern
Click the link above to jump to a specific marker.

Marker 5: Yaupon Holly

Just beyond the marker is a special plant very common in this area of Florida. Yaupon Holly was an important plant centuries ago, used by indigenous inhabitants to the area as both a food and a medicine. It has recently seen a local rebirth of popularity with a local company creating a wonderful tea from the leaves. Yaupon Brothers American Tea Company reports that the tea still does possess medicinal powers, including cancer prevention.

Yaupon Holly - a legendary local tree
Yaupon Holly – a legendary local tree

An interesting note on Yaupon Holly is the scientific name: Ilex vomitoria, which was apparently derived from Native Floridian’s use of the tea to purge their system – only after drinking immense amounts of the beverage. Although the scientific name has stuck, the vomit was likely induced after mixing with another plant, which coincidentally brings us to our second featured plant on this stop.

Just at the bottom of the marker is a small plant only a few inches tall. This plant is Black Snakeroot. While some Snakeroots reportedly induce vomiting, this one, prevents it. Additionally, the leaves were once used to treat wounds and cold sores.

However, we highly recommend going to a Doctor for any medical advice, and not counting on any of these ancient remedies.

Go to Marker 6 Wild Violets and Shiny Leaf Coffee

Thank you to the following folks who generously donated their time and expertise to identifying the plants on this nature trail: Raymond Jarrett, David Griffis, Trey Hannah and Kalan Taylor.